Identifying stocks that offer healthy returns may sometimes prove to be difficult for investors. In that case, one may take into account liquidity levels, which are a good indicator of a company’s financial health.
Liquidity is a measure of a company’s capability to meet its short-term debt obligations. Stocks with high liquidity levels have always been in demand owing to their potential to provide maximum returns.
However, one should be careful before investing in such stocks. While a high liquidity level may imply that the company is clearing its dues at a faster rate compared with peers, it may also suggest that the company is failing to use its assets efficiently.
Therefore, in addition to liquidity level, an investor may also consider the efficiency of the company before investing in the stock. An efficient company with a favorable liquidity level may prove to be a profitable addition to one’s portfolio.
Measures to Identify Liquid Stocks
Current Ratio: It measures current assets relative to current liabilities. This ratio is used for measuring a company’s potential to meet both short- and long-term debt obligations. Thus, a current ratio — also known as working capital ratio — below 1 indicates that the company has more liabilities than assets. However, a high current ratio does not always indicate that the company is in good financial shape. It may also mean that the company has failed to utilize its assets significantly. Hence, a range of 1 to 3 is considered ideal.
Quick Ratio: Unlike current ratio, quick ratio — also called “acid-test ratio” or “quick assets ratio” — indicates a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations. It considers inventory excluding current assets relative to current liabilities. Like the current ratio, a quick ratio of greater than 1 is desirable.
Cash Ratio: This is the most conservative ratio among the three, as it takes into account only cash and cash equivalents, and invested funds relative to current liabilities. It measures a company’s ability to meet its current debt obligations using the most liquid of assets. Though a cash ratio of more than 1 may point to sound financials, a higher number may indicate inefficiency in cash utilization.
So, a ratio greater than 1 is desirable at all times but may not always appropriately represent a company’s financial condition.
Screening Parameters
In order to pick the best of the lot, we have added asset utilization, which is a widely used measure of a company’s efficiency, as one of the screening criteria. Asset utilization is the ratio of total sales over the past 12 months to the last four-quarter average of total assets. Though this ratio varies across industries, companies with a ratio higher than their respective industries can be considered efficient.
In order to ensure that these liquid and efficient stocks have solid growth potential, we have added our proprietary Growth Style Score to the screen.
Current Ratio, Quick Ratio and Cash Ratio between 1 and 3 (While liquidity ratios of greater than 1 are desirable, significantly high ratios may indicate inefficiency.)
Asset utilization greater than industry average (Higher asset utilization than the industry average indicates a company’s efficiency.)
Zacks Rank equal to #1 (Only Strong Buy-rated stocks can get through). You can see the complete list of today’s Zacks #1 Rank stocks here.
Growth Score less than or equal to B (Back-tested results show that stocks with a Growth Score of A or B when combined with a Zacks Rank #1 or 2 handily beat other stocks.)
These criteria have narrowed down the universe of more than 7,700 stocks to only 10.
Here are five of the 10 stocks that qualified the screen:
San Francisco, CA-based Dropbox, Inc. DBX is a provider of collaboration platform that enables users to organize workspace processes with cloud storage, personal cloud, file synchronization and other subscription-based premium services. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2020 earnings has been revised 26.3% upward to 72 cents in the past 30 days. The company has a Growth Score of A and a trailing four-quarter positive earnings surprise of 31.04%, on average.
Headquartered in Fremont, CA, Enphase Energy, Inc. ENPH is a global energy technology company that delivers energy management technology for the solar industry. It designs, develops, manufactures and sells home energy solutions, which connect energy generation, energy storage and control and communications management on one intelligent platform. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2020 bottom line has moved 25.7% north to $1.27 in the past 30 days. The company has a Growth Score of A and a trailing four-quarter positive earnings surprise of 34.16%, on average.
Based in New York, NY, Cohen & Steers, Inc. CNS is an investment manager, focusing on liquid real assets, including real estate securities, commodities and natural resource equities as well as preferred securities. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2020 earnings has been revised 7.6% upward to $2.98 in the past 60 days. The company has a Growth Score of A and a trailing four-quarter positive earnings surprise of 2.59%, on average.
Based in Santa Clara, CA, Telenav, Inc. TNAV is a provider of location-based and connected car platform services across the globe. The company has a Growth Score of B and average four-quarter positive surprise of 77.05%. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for fiscal 2020 bottom line has been revised to earnings of 21 cents from a loss of 23 cents in the past 60 days.
Headquartered in New York, NY, ExlService Holdings, Inc. EXLS is a provider of operations management, business process management (BPM) and analytics services worldwide. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2020 earnings has been revised 3.5% upward to $3.51 in the past 30 days. The company has a Growth Score of B and a trailing four-quarter positive earnings surprise of 7.21%, on average.
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